Monday, August 11, 2014

Cheer Update 8/11

It’s hard to believe that the first day of school is just days away!  I hope you all had an enjoyable summer!  There’s a lot of important information below, so please take the time to review it all and let me know if you have any questions!

Please review the attached schedule that pertains to your daughter (all freshmen + Hayley, Cassie, and Ashley W. are on white squad, everyone else is on red squad).  Please note that 7 practice times had to moved back an hour before state due to lower gym availability.  If the time is an issue with getting your daughter to the school or bringing home, please let me know and we can figure something out!  You will be notified of any further changes in times at least 2 weeks prior.   
We are hoping that by splitting up the games, the girls will have more time to concentrate on their school work.  Keep in mind, there will be no switching games if you cannot make it to one of yours. 
Even if you are not cheering at a game falling on a Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday, you will still be expected to attend practice beforehand. 

FUNDRAISER: We will be participating in the Ford fundraiser at Thoroughbred Ford along with the dance team on Saturday, August 16th from 9am-5pm @ PHHS.  We will be having the girls sign up for hour-long time slots.  Along with the cheerleaders being there, we are also asking for a parent volunteer at each time slot.  Please click on the following link to access the sign-up sheet:  (PLEASE be kind and do not delete names J)
Coach Baker, Coach Shaw (dance), or I will be there at all times. 

We are asking each cheerleader to call and confirm at least 5 people that will be attending the event.  Ford will donate $20 for EACH vehicle taken on a test drive from 9am-5pm on Saturday.  The girls will be set up with clipboards having people fill out the forms Ford requires for a test drive (make sure that they specify they are there for CHEER).  Money raised from the first 10 people you bring in will go to the squad, anyone beyond those 10 that you PERSONALLY bring in will go to your individual account!  I will be handing out fliers tonight at practice. 

Cheerleaders: You will wear your black t-shirt from camp with your red soffee or running shorts and white bow.   

FOOTBALL DINNER SIGN-UPS: We still need volunteers for meals before the following games.  Send me an email if you are available to fill one of these time slots.
Home:  Aug 22nd we need 2 or 3 parents
Away:  Aug 29th we need 2 parents
                                Sept 12th we need 2 parents
                                Sept 26th we need 1 parent

STATE: We will be competing in the Missouri state cheerleading competition in Columbia, MO on Sunday, October 5, 2014.  Since that falls on the same weekend as homecoming, we will not be staying overnight.  Coach Baker and I were told at regionals that our division will start around noon on Sunday.  We will be taking buses down for the day, and plan on meeting at the school at 6am Sunday morning.  Hair will be done differently than regionals, so a hair party will not be necessary (we will say exactly how when we get closer).  The bus will return later that afternoon (set time will be provided as soon as I know more about the competition schedule).  We encourage and welcome all parents, friends and family to come down to Columbia to support us!  We are requiring that all cheerleaders ride the bus to and from the competition.  I will relay more information as it becomes available.   

FAMILY COOKOUT: The Robinson family will be hosting a cook out for the team and coaches on Saturday, August 23rd, at 6 pm. They will provide the food, however if anyone wants to bring a side or dessert, you are more than welcome to, but it's not required.  Contact Kelly Robinson at if you have any questions!

SPIRIT WEAR: Make sure you are all set for spirit wear clothing for the start of football season! Feel free to send this link to family and friends as well

Events this week
Monday (8/11): Practice, 4:30-6pm
Tuesday (8/12): Practice, 4:30-6pm
Wednesday (8/13): 1st DAY OF SCHOOL!
Thursday (8/14): Practice, 4:30-6pm
Saturday (8/16): Ford Fundraiser, 9-5 @ PHHS

Events next week
Monday (8/18): Practice, 5:30-7pm
Tuesday (8/19): Practice, 5:30-7pm
Thursday (8/21): Practice, 5:30-7pm
Friday (8/22): Football v. Blue Springs South-ALL, 5pm
     *Back to School Assembly, 1:30-2:45pm (parents welcome to attend!)
Saturday (8/23): Cookout at the Robinson’s! 
*See email for address

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